OVFHT Governance
Providing the highest possible quality of care for our patients
Ottawa Valley Family Health Team Governance
The OVFHT is governed by a board of directors. Membership for the board is made up of one physician member from Mississippi Mills and one physician member from Carleton Place and Beckwith, along with seven community members. Meetings are held a minimum of four times per year to help develop, implement, and monitor policies that will allow the OVFHT to carry out its work.
Dr. Lawrie Ray - Chair
Dr. Ray completed her medical school training at the University of Ottawa and Rural Family Medicine Residency program at the University of British Columbia. Her medical training and early career allowed her to travel and experience many models of primary care clinics all over the country; from Iqaluit, Nunavut to St. John’s, Newfoundland and to Haida Gwaii, BC. She also worked in downtown Toronto, Ottawa, and multiple small rural towns in Central Ontario.
After 10 years of working all over the country, and intermittently working in Almonte, Dr. Ray joined the collaborative group of colleagues at the Ottawa Valley Family Health Team and is happy to be part of a close-knit medical community that cares deeply for their patients. She works at Almonte General Hospital on the Medical/Surgical unit, and is the Lead Physician for AGH Complex Continuing Care. She also works at Orchard View Retirement Home and Fairview Manor Long-Term Care.
When she is not using her stethoscope, Dr. Ray can be found playing with her three young children at home and in nature as much as possible. She is also a volunteer coach for her children’s soccer team in the summer and cross-country ski lessons in the winter.
Dr. Nino Lobo - Vice Chair
Dr. Lobo grew up in the Greater Toronto Area. During medical school she completed her clinical rotations in several places in the United States. She completed her Family Medicine residency at Queen’s University.
Dr. Lobo has been building her practice in Carleton Place since April 2022. She holds privileges at the Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital (CPDMH). She also provides coverage at the CPDMH Emergency Department. She was drawn to Carleton Place as it provided her the opportunity to practice broad scope rural family medicine.
She is an avid traveller and is always looking to plan her next adventure. She also enjoys exploring the Ottawa area parks, painting and restoring furniture.
Karen Simpson - Chair, Governance Committee
Karen Simpson joined the OVFHT Board to support the expansion and development of Family Health Team Services to the communities of Mississippi Mills and Carleton Place/Beckwith.
Karen was the Executive Director of the Arnprior & District Family Health Team (ADFHT) up until her retirement at the end of July of 2023. Prior to joining the ADFHT, she was the Director for Long Term Care Inspections at the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Karen worked with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care as well as the Ministry of Community and Social Services for almost twenty years.
Before joining the Ministry, Karen was the Executive Director of the Mills Community Support Corporation in Almonte – now named Carebridge Community Support. Karen was with the Mills for fifteen years and is happy to be once again supporting services for residents in the North East of Lanark County.
Louise Heslop - Chair, Finance and Audit Committee
Louise Heslop is a Distinguished Research Professor and Professor Emerita in the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University and remains active supervising PhD students, engaging in research, and serving on a university research ethics committee.
She holds a Ph.D. in Business from the Ivey School of Business, Western Ontario University, and an MSc. and a BHSc. from the University of Guelph. She also completed a post-degree internship to become a registered professional dietitian.
During a 45-year career in university teaching, research, and administration, she served in several senior university administrative positions and university and college committees, including the Board of Governors and Senate. She has taught in Canada and internationally.
Louise has a background of over 40 years as an active volunteer as a member and executive member of many professional associations and in many not-for-profit community organizations including, more recently, Valley Heartland Community Futures Corporation, The Ontario Trillium Foundation, and the Boards of Directors of the Almonte and the Carleton Place hospitals and the Almonte General Hospital Foundation.
Louise is delighted to join the Board of the OVFHT in this exciting period of its expansion to offer support for the delivery of primary health care from locations in Mississippi Mills, Carleton Place, and Beckwith regions.
Colleen Taylor - Chair, Quality Improvement Committee
Colleen is an active member of the Almonte community. She and her family have been patients of the OVFHT since it began in 2010.
Colleen was a teacher for many years and has worked as a secondary school administrator for the past nine years. This has given her a breadth of experience that includes building collaborative teams, mentorship, and operational leadership. Both in this role and her role as a member of the Board of Directors, she believes that every stakeholder in an organization can make a valuable contribution and deserves support.
Colleen embraces the challenge of balancing the realities of the organization and advocating for the needs of the individuals who the organization serves. Her goal is to build positive relationships, to have honest dialogue about challenges, and to foster a shared vision of success.
In addition to her busy day job, Colleen enjoys volunteering in the community. This includes supporting local theater both on stage and off stage as choreography and tech crew and volunteering as a leader at Camp Lau-Ren in the summer.
Colleen is grateful that she and her family have access to excellent health care close to home. She appreciates the opportunity to contribute her time and experience to the Ottawa Valley Family Health Team which provides such valuable support to the community.
Nicki Collins - Chair, Risk Management Committee
Nicki Collins retired from full time work after 40 years working in health and social services. She is a Social Worker by profession, and she was the founding Executive Director of Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. Her interest in child and youth mental health resulted in past positions on several provincial boards, Children’s Mental health Ontario and the Canadian Centre for Accreditation.
A native of the Ottawa Valley, Nicki has lived in Lanark County since 1995, currently living in Beckwith
John Coderre - Director
John Coderre is a retired officer of the Canadian Forces who served in the Military Engineering branch for over 22 years. Following his military career, he was the Campaign Director of the United Way of London & Middlesex for many years before returning to public service for the last five years of his working career.
Since retiring, John has been constantly involved in volunteer work. For nearly eighteen years he was an active member of Patient Partners in Arthritis, demonstrating muscular-skeletal examination techniques to medical students and other health professionals. From 2008-2013, he was on the Consumer Advisory Council of the Canadian Arthritis Network. During that time, John was a member of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee and participated in the peer review of many applications for CAN grants. He has carried that experience to the present day, still participating on grant review panels for the Arthritis Society and the Canadian Institute for Health Research. In 2018, John was given the Qualman-Davies Consumer Leadership Award in recognition of his work in Arthritis consumer advocacy.
John has been on the board of Big Sisters of London and the board of Hospice of London. He is currently treasurer for Mississippi Mills All My Relations and Friends of the Mississippi Mills Public Library. John is also a member of the Research & Business Advisory Committee of the Bone and Joint Institute for Research and Innovation in Musculoskeletal Health at Western University.
John received his B.Eng in Civil Engineering from the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, and an MSc in Operational Research while attending the University of Birmingham, UK, on an Athlone Fellowship.
John and his wife Pat have lived in Almonte since 2014 where they are involved in community organizations such as the Civitan Club and Hospice of North Lanark. John also volunteers every Thursday morning in the Physiotherapy Department of the Almonte General Hospital.
Linda McGreevy - Director
Linda has been a resident of Carleton Place for over 25 years and a passionate advocate for quality health care including the value and preservation of community-based hospitals. A fundraising specialist with a career that spans 30 years Linda was the Executive Director of three hospital foundations and well as two national disability organizations and a private fundraising consultant. Linda has a strong background in marketing and communications, strategic planning, operational assessments, board development, and feasibility studies. Prior to entering the world of philanthropy, Linda spent twelve years on Parliament in Hill in various capacities.
A lifelong volunteer, Linda has been on the Board of Directors of 10 charitable organizations primarily in the area of health care. Linda has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital Foundation since 2018 and just completed a three-year term as Board Chair. In 2019, Linda also took on the volunteer role as Campaign Advisor to the CPDMH Foundation’s $5M fundraising campaign for the new Emergency Department. For the past two years, she has been a member of the Lanark Community Alliance Advisory Counsel prior to being a member of the Board of Directors of Carebridge for eight years.
In October 2023, Linda was recognized for her volunteer work with various organizations in the region and received the Lanark County Award of Excellence for Volunteerism.
J.D. Heffern
Bio coming soon…
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is the primary funder for all FHTs. Each FHT has a funding agreement with Ontario Health and the MOHLTC that outlines the requirements for funding. Additionally, the FHT must submit a budget and operating plan to Ontario Health and the MOHLTC annually to request funds for the up-coming fiscal year.
FHTs receive funding to undertake specified clinical and program activities that are approved annually by Ontario Health and form part of the funding agreement. Annual spending must be within the limits of the approved expenditure lines.
Quarterly reports to Ontario Health ensure that all funds are being expended appropriately based on approved budgets.
It should be noted that FHT funding cannot be used to support physician expenses (e.g., overhead, staffing, furnishings and equipment, or direct compensation). There may be provision in the FHT budget to compensate the lead physician for time spent on FHT responsibilities such as program development or clinical oversight.
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